St. Lucia

August 5, 1991

5 August

Friday (2) Denise Brown spoke to the trainees on her experiences as a deaf volunteer.

Saturday morning I met twelve other people for climb to Gros Piton. When the driver with whom I made arrangements didn’t show up we made a better deal with the taxi driver.

I was so tired on Sunday that I didn’t really wake up in time to eat and go to church. I went to visit Andy and Jenny. After they invited me to a birthday beach party I spent time with them before going to the Castries Comprehensive School.

I went to the school to help move after I took a walk and a swim. It didn’t take too long. The sweaty part was moving and arranging the desks. Donna treated us to soft drinks. The driver and I went to KFC to get them. I told him to get Coke and Sprite. He told the server to mix the Coke and Sprite together. The drinks were refreshing.

I went to Bobineau (sic) afterwards but return shortly after. Cindy, Keith, and I went to the bar to eat but I never got my meal. They refused their cold food.