Today in training we were warned about how rumors could bring us a separation if the rumors are about Peace Corps Volunteers using drugs. Richard Pyle explained this during his overview of policy in the Eastern Caribbean.
In addition to that and the creole lesson, we heard about the experience of a deaf Peace Corps volunteer, planning lessons in the EC, and we had to sing during our report on our language instruction. We sang the National Anthem of Dominica and a little ditty about how sweet Domnik is.

In the middle of all these activities Jay and I walked around town looking at all the stores. We went to an art gallery with all types of paintings about St. Lucia by St. Lucians. I bought two of the most expensive postcards ($1.50 EC).
Beside this nice, clean, organized gallery there are many other stores in St. Lucia. The supermarkets are well organized and products seem plentiful everywhere.
To celebrate the end of the week’s sessions a third of the PCVs went to the Pink Elephant for drinks. Most were Dominican.
July 27