Don left us early this morning and left behind some of his food. I went out to replenish our bread supply and bought whole wheat bread and jacquari. The whole wheat was by mistake but I’m glad. It tastes good.
I also bought a mouse trap for the mouse we saw yesterday. After nightfall we caught it and tossed it in the garbage. I spotted another mouse and Brad set the trap for the next one. I hope that’s all there is. Jay was here when the trap went off.
He came mid afternoon and brought letters. I got one from John Michael [my cousin] and one from Metzer [my college roommate]. John Michael was surprised and Metzer’s was enjoyable. I felt a little homesick and slightly depressed as I read them. I really miss everyone and wish I wasn’t so far away.

But my spirits did pick up as I talked with Jay, saw the article in the news about swearing-in, and played “Hearts.” I had to learn it because I couldn’t remember ever playing it before. I also felt much happier after popping some corn. Brad and I finally mopped the floor but it got pretty dirty before the day’s end and we decided that we would like to have someone do our wash.
Aug 15