It looks like we might be able to get someone to do our wash soon. On the way back from a day at the Cabrits & Douglas Bay, a lady asked us who we were. After telling her that we were Peace Corps workers, she asked if we need our clothes washed. She may stop by to talk to us about it and if it is within our budget we might let her. I hand washed my clothes tonight after a dinner of chicken and rice.
The clothes I wore today were very sweaty from all the walking we did. We walked up a very long path on the West Cabrits. I was frustrated because I was afraid it would lead to nowhere but it took us to a cannon and great view of the sea. We walked back down among all the lizards and saw Lennox and some of the children he was informing about the Cabrits.

I met a couple of Portsmouth Secondary School students. I don’t know if I’ll be teaching them because I don’t know what I’m going to teach and even that won’t be certain until the end of September after we’ve been teaching. I’m not too worried. I’ll be happy to be busy and meeting people.
Aug 16