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John Tuxill standing on a clay island
Point Baptiste 1992 March
Bus stop
Mr. Shore’s bus is red
Borrough Square Mar 92
Mr Perilon’s Mini Cash
Portsmouth Mar 92
My Market Lady
Portsmouth, March 1992
On the south side of Point Baptiste Dominica March 1992
Point Baptiste Calibishie March 1992
Can you see Ingrid? Point Baptiste Beach Domincia March 1992
Catherine at BatiBu Beach March 1992 obviously she was not ready for this shot, but remember I used film and could not just easily retake the picture.
Cat’s 3 kittens in the kitchen in Calibishie March 1992
Ingrid, holding up her dress with her chin in the Calibishie kitchen
Carnival March 3, 1992 featuring cameos from various Peace Corps Volunteers
More video from Carnival 1992 on Dominica.
More video of Carnival Floats on March 3, 1992 on the Commonwealth of Dominica