I beat the alarm clock again this morning. I did not want to get up before 6:30 so I lied in bed. Brad’s alarm clock went off and he woke up and showered. I finally got up and took a cold shower. There was one knob and one temperature. Today I remembered to take shampoo into the bathroom and wash my hair. Devee asked me how I got my wet hair to look its way after combing it. She and her father were watching pro wrestling.
After pressing my shirt for today and tomorrow we went off to the Lethrums for breakfast of a roll, passion fruit juice, and a mango. We then took off for market.
Bill, Jay, Brad, and I sat in the back of the truck while Sue and Mikki sat in front with John (that’s his last name). When we arrived the first thing we did was taste coconut juice. It was rather plain. The coconuts were very young with little pulp. When we returned we walked to the bottom of Le Ley to see the Atlantic Ocean. Much garbage was at the shore where it is very rocky.

On the way back, we met Yolanda and her host and then returned for a lunch of dolphin fish, rice, and other platters of dasheen and spinach.
After lunch Mr. Lethrum drove us back to Teresa’s in order that we could get ready for church. We were going to a wedding. I read the National Geographic article which was much more interesting after seeing the island. I napped a little and got ready for church. I did not shower because the water was not running earlier in the afternoon and I did not want to waste it.

The wedding was fabulous. It followed the typical format in the U.S. Catholic churches. Following the wedding we went up steep winding hills to the reception. There was soft drinks, beer, appetizers, meals for everyone. People danced. I did not get a chance to dance.
I met some important people who gave me some names to check out in Portsmouth when I look for a place to live.
July 14