On Monday we began our lessons in the patois after a community meeting. We learned the sounds of patois and greetings. My half of the group was very good. Mikki got frustrated and cried unnecessarily. She had the most trouble but wasn’t that bad. Bill and Yolanda were also in the group and Felix Henderson taught us.

After our lessons we had time for community analysis but spent most of the time talking with John and Joel who just finished their first year teaching in Dominica. Yolanda and I walked along the wrong path and ended at the top of the hill where four other Peace Corps workers joined us for refreshments at the snackette. I had a 7-Up.
I walked Yolanda to her homestay’s house and had a glass of water and then started on my way back. I ran into Don on the way back and tried my creole on him- bonapwemidi -but he didn’t understand.
I finally made it back to the Leathum’s and had lunch. I made sure I consumed many liquids. Then we went back to school.
We heard PCVs talk about personal safety. There should not be too many problems trying to be safe. It just takes some caution.
We also heard about hurricane safety. I pray that we will be spared the experience of a hurricane. I think overall it would be a life-enhancing experience but one I could do without.
After that we went to the Leathum’s and had our dinner. I had guava jelly which was great. We walked home after dinner.
I got the chance to watch Pro Wrestling with Mr. Shillingford and we started on our laundry. As soon as we finished the power went off and we went to bed. Before bed I had my first BM on the island.
written on July 17