
November 23, 1991

23 November 

It rained today. In the morning, afternoon, and at night it rained. I started my day by delaying going to the market until the rain slowed to a drizzle. There wasn’t too much to buy because there weren’t many sellers. I had trouble changing a $5 bill until Murphy helped me.

I went home to eat my fish cakes, bakes, and Raisin & Cinnamon bagel which had fallen in my pot of water. I was resting it on top of the lid to warm it up. I knocked it in unfortunately. I used Strawberry Cream Cheese on top of the bakes and bagel. 

Mrs. Garraway knocked on my door to tell me I forgot to pay my rent. I reminded her of the agreement that the deposit would become the last month’s rent. She said we never agreed to that. I hope Brad and I had her write it on the signed agreement. I’ll find out Monday when I ask Gabriella to send up a photocopy with Bill.


November 22, 1991

22 November

This year it won’t be so difficult to get to the Thanksgiving dinner; it’s on a Saturday the day after the Open House. Making cookies this year might be difficult; my oven still doesn’t work. My landlady today said that the repair man might show up Monday. She’s been saying that for weeks. If it happens, I’ll be happy.

Mrs. Garaway also said that she would have to check out the apartment early in case I owed any money for damages. She is really worried about her money. I used to think she was a good business lady. Now I see her as an irrational, greedy person.

I’m happy that she didn’t see or mention anything about my two guests in the last week. Linda Rodgers was here from Mon.-Wed.


November 12, 1991

I think this is a picture from Morne Bruce. I took this picture of my dad probably on his camera. The mountains and greenery make me confident that this is Dominica.
Emerald Pool. I think I took this picture when my dad and I drove through Dominica on the way to Portsmouth. Not sure if any caption for this in my photo book or on the back of the picture.

November 12, 1991

This might be a rode to Trafalgar Falls based on the pipe far in the background. It must be Dominica because it is so green and mountainous. I think I took this picture on my Dad’s camera.

November 1991

Students get ready at Borrow Square (to honor Dominica’s Independence Day November 3, 1978)
Portsmouth, November 1991
Students march back to school
After the Independce rally
Portsmouth November 1991

November 13, 1991

Trying to steal a banana. Indian River.

November 13, 1991

When my father visited, I took him to the Cabrits National Park to see Fort Shirley.
Dad looking over Prince Rupert Bay
Fort Shirley, November 1991

November 15, 1991

Peace Corps Volunteers gather at La Robe Creole to say goodbye to Art and Fred. One volunteer orders Mountain Chicken. According to Lennox Honeychurch’s book on Dominica, La Robe Creole was “probably Dominica’s most renowned restaurant” in 1991. Situated on Victoria Street, just down the road from the Fort Young and the Cenotaph. “Excellent menu served by staff in traditional island dress.”

November 14, 1991

November 14

Last year Caren said she dreamed that my father and aunt visited me. This year half of what she said came true. My dad left yesterday for Antigua after spending 2 days here. Tomorrow he leaves to go back home.

I arrived at the airport shortly after he did. I was checking to see if his flight came in just as he came through the door at customs.

We went to the Peace Corps office, toured Roseau, and hired a taxi to go to Trafalgar Falls and Morne Bruce. We ate lunch at Guiyave, upstairs at the restaurant. I made an arrangement with Alvin to take us up the East Coast past Emerald Pool, Carib territory, and Calibishie. 

I made him a hamburger after we unpacked all my goodies from his suitcase. In the morning we went up the Indian River and saw Fort Shirley. We swam at Purple Turtle before we went to meet his flight back to Antigua.


November 13 1991

Sunset from my veranda on Bay Street in Portsmouth with some royalty-free music courtesy of YouTube. In a few weeks I would be moving to the east coast of Dominica and no longer have this view.