
September 26, 1991

26 September

Yolanda will not be here – Actually she’s already gone – for the Birthday brunch at the Rosenfield’s. She left on Wednesday morning. A going-away party was held for her on Tuesday afternoon.

I went down after school. I caught a transport around 2:00 o’clock. I brought lime squash and popcorn with me. I was one of the few people who actually made what I brought.

Yolanda looked ready to cry. By the time she left she was crying.

I don’t feel like she’s gone yet. I suppose I’ll notice as I take trips to Roseau. Catherine said she and Yolanda did their crying in the days before her departure.

After the party I typed and photocopied a test for my second form class. I didn’t arrive back to school in time to give it. I  arrived seventeen minutes after third period. That wasn’t enough time to give it. They studied for a test in another subject. I moved my test to Friday.