St. Lucia

July 29, 1990

I did not see any accidents today but did hear that yesterday’s accidents resulted in two deaths. Today was Sunday and it was a much quieter day.

To start the day Dave, Hugo, and I went to church. We met Catherine and Betty when we arrived at 7:30 mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. The mass was much more typical of the mass at St. Hedwig’s [my church in Kingston, PA where I grew up] with the organ music and old white priest giving a mass shorter than the one in Grand Bay. Near the end of the mass David pointed out that there was a bat underneath my kneeler -right next to my foot. He pointed out later that there was a worm coming out of its head.

After church we ate breakfast, napped until noon, had lunch, and went to Vigie Beach. Catherine went along and while were there we saw Bill Gaynor, Carole, Brad, and Em.

When we arrived home we snacked, watched wrestling and Madeline getting excited over it. The water went off again today and returned barely near bed time.

July 29

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