My biggest meal of the day was chips I ate with two beers at Vena’s after the swearing in.
I typed up the swearing in program first thing this morning before I began entering my Catch-All article into the computer. It’s a good thing I did because it gave me a reason to accidentally remind Judy that she should prepare something to say for the welcome and introductions.
After signing up for another bank account and sending off my first roll of film I walked home from the Peace Corps office in the rain and wore my new tropical suit for the first time. It rained all day and only really stopped when we were picked up for the ceremony.

At the ceremony Maryann read a reason for joining Peace Corps that I thought was mine but was actually Jay’s. The President’s speech was excellent. It was inspiration and supportive and he let it be known that our Dominican supervisors better be utilizing us or else he would have a talk with them to make sure we would have a fulfilling assignment. I took the oath and signed it and am now official Peace Corps.

Aug 10