November 12, 1991

November 14
Last year Caren said she dreamed that my father and aunt visited me. This year half of what she said came true. My dad left yesterday for Antigua after spending 2 days here. Tomorrow he leaves to go back home.
I arrived at the airport shortly after he did. I was checking to see if his flight came in just as he came through the door at customs.
We went to the Peace Corps office, toured Roseau, and hired a taxi to go to Trafalgar Falls and Morne Bruce. We ate lunch at Guiyave, upstairs at the restaurant. I made an arrangement with Alvin to take us up the East Coast past Emerald Pool, Carib territory, and Calibishie.
I made him a hamburger after we unpacked all my goodies from his suitcase. In the morning we went up the Indian River and saw Fort Shirley. We swam at Purple Turtle before we went to meet his flight back to Antigua.