On the way to Shirley Heights in Antigua. The hills on the east are known as Shirley Heights, named for the governor of the Leewards who had the positions fortified. The Shirley Heights installations have been preserved and have a small museum, but the main reason to come here is for the magnificent panorama.
On the way to Shirley Heights in Antigua. To the protect the port, a series of forts and other military installations was built at the harbor and on the surrounding heights.
On the way to Chance Peak, Montserrat’s highest mountain. From Kay Showker’s Caribbean: Montserrat’s “mountain chicken” is a large frog, the legs of which are a local delicacy. Known locally by its Creole name, crapaud, it is hunted after rainy spells. Can you find the mountain chicken in this picture?
On the way to Chance Peak, Montserrat’s highest mountain, with Sean and Rick. April 1991. “A highly rewarding hike to Chance Peak, trekking through rain and montane forests, can be done in a morning.” — Caribbean, The Outdoor Traveler’s Guide.
The Cruise Ship Berth at the Cabrits. Here is a link to the Cabrits Cruise Ship Berth today: https://www.domports.daspa.dm/index.php/seaports/cabrits-cruise-ship-berth/