September 1990

3 March
On 22 February I went into Roseau for a discussion on learning styles and fillers. Maryann led the group.
Brad arrived before I did. He and Yolanda told me some more volunteer news. Judy Scholzen, our lead volunteer, went home on emergency leave. Her sister was dying of cancer. She may be back within a month if her sister dies. She would like to come back here and work until May. I also her Sue Buehl was leaving soon, too. She was sick of not having anything much to do at work.
So many people left so fast after the meeting that Jay decided he would lead the Bible Study. Sue Kelly, he, and I were the only ones left.
Catherine was at the education meeting. She had just recently returned from Antigua. Peace Corps sent her for counseling. A man attempted to rape her Carnival Monday. She walking home alone at night.
After I worked on the computer I head to Micki and Jay’s. We went to Middleham Falls on Saturday. It was a nice easy hike especially since we had so many rides.
I returned Sunday too late to make it to church. That morning it was official. The ground war had started. Bill Gaynor came for a visit. He rode up with the Anglican priest who lives above him. He stayed and we talked for an hour or so.
Monday morning (25 Feb) Frances gave me her Newsweek and told me about Brad. Brad talked to her about his desire to move to Roseau and teach at Convent High School. She encouraged him to go see Maryann. He wasn’t at school for the day. I told staff members who asked me that I supposed he was home recovering from his bike fall.
In the Newsweek that Frances gave me I saw my letter. It was in the Feb 18 edition. I was a little embarrassed. I wrote it Jan 16 the night the war started. I was upset by the start of the war and I had to express my feelings somehow. I didn’t really even read it until Wednesday Feb 27.
I also got a letter from Harvard that Monday. They notified me that I was on hold. I wasn’t rejected. I wasn’t accepted. They will contact me in a couple of weeks to tell me if I am accepted or waitlisted. I wasn’t as happy as I should have been. So many people have been taking it for granted that I would get in I started to believe them.
Tuesday the police cam for me at school.The policeman took me to see if the thief was wearing the shoes he stole from me. He wasn’t.
On Wednesday Maryann called to tell me that my letter in Newsweek was against policy and that I could be in big trouble. She started out asking me if I wrote the letter. She said she would know what the consequences were after talking to the Prime Minister in two weeks. I was in the Portsmouth Secondary School office and didn’t ask much. I just listened.
I was so rattled I called her in the evening to ask her my questions. There is the chance that I could be kicked off the island. However, with the war ending so quickly and Miss Charles being away for so long, my service being terminated is not too likely.
On Thursday she let me know that Peace Corps in St. Lucia advised the ambassador’s office. Again it did not seem too explosive an issue.
Rita wrote me a letter to tell me she may take responsibility for Randy Sr.’s girl. Brad brought the letter over on Friday. The mother had died of cancer. Randy Sr. offered custody and support if she took the child. I was excited about her wondering if it was the Christian thing to do.
On Saturday I worked with John Fabian to try to get his computer to print. After a few hours I gave up. The computer would not make the printer work. Separately they worked fine.
Brad and I were both at church for the first time in a long time. Reverend Malcolm spoke on denying oneself for God’s will. It was also communion Sunday. I got my umbrella that I left in church on Wednesday.
27 February (personal journal)
Another week of highs and lows. I had a great weekend with Micki and Jay. We went to Middleham Falls, watched the capitol gang, and enjoyed each others’ company. They even said they were going to nominate me for lead volunteer if I was willing. Bill Gaynor also saw me this weekend and said he would nominate me.
The downs were the start of the ground war in Iraq. Brad decided to leave for Roseau. That may not happen until the summer .* * * The worst event started as an honor. The letter I wrote to Newsweek on 16 Jan was published. I was surprised and a little embarrassed. I didn’t tell anyone but Frances and Brad. Frances helped spread the word in the staff room. The worst part of it all is that Maryann called me today and told me it was against policy. I wrongly thought I was free to write to Newsweek about the U.S. Maryann will meet with P.M. Charles in two weeks to discuss my future as a volunteer on Dominica.
I’m really upset about the uncertainty in my life. I may be back home in two weeks. I guess I have to keep that in mind in everything I do for the next fortnight. At one moment I’m happy and proud of what I wrote and the fact I wrote. The next moment I’m upset about having to leave, thinking about what’s next. I’m going to call Maryann now.