Business cards from Dominica. Why? maybe I would have remembered 29 years ago. The top one was for transportation, obviously. The bottom was because I was hoping to turn the video on my camera into a Peace Corps presentation. My attempt, without unaffordable professional help, will eventually be posted.
A postcard that I bought during my trip to Antigua in December, which I will send on February 5, 1991. Tune in tomorrow to find out where I sent it. Here’s the description of this picture: THE OLD COURT HOUSE – St. John’s, 1823. designed by Peter Harrison, Yorkshire born to a Quaker shipping family. Built in 1750, and damaged by earthquakes in 1843 and 1974. It now houses the Museum of Antigua and Barbuda operated by the Historical and Archaeological Society of Antigua and Barbuda.
Tony Collie and the view of the back of my house on Bay Street. At the beginning of January 1991, I found a new roommate, Tony from Wales. I think those are poinsettias in the lower right corner.
Before we had iPhones with panorama options, I took two pictures and put them together. The view of the Cabrits and Morne Aux Diables from Coconut Beach in February 1991.
An undated picture with more “dated” pictures to come in February. It looks like Judy, Sue, Barb, and Brad were having a party at the Peace Corps office. Maybe this was the open house party. I don’t remember; it was 30 years ago.