This is the postcard that I got back after I wrote to Newsweek International about the invasion in the Gulf War.
This is the postcard that I got back after I wrote to Newsweek International about the invasion in the Gulf War.
16 January
It has been a long time since I wrote in any of my journals, personal or Peace Corps. Tonight the U.S. invaded Iraq. I found out at Bible Study. Murphy told us when he arrived late. I was relieved of the stress of waiting for an invasion, but upset at the thought of all the deaths. A lot of the reasons for the invasion has to with man’s pride. His beliefs that freedom shall ring and madmen will be stopped. Bush is sacrificing men and women for his beliefs. Men and women who swore to defend our country, not Kuwait. The U.S. is too big for its britches. It still hasn’t learned to take its place in the world and this invasion, if successful, will only turn the U.S. into more of a monster.
The above is the first paragraph from my writing in my personal journal
First two paragraphs from a separate, more personal, journal. I left out the last two paragraphs of the soul-searching, which is slightly embarrassing now. For some context, my birthday is at the beginning of November.
2 December 1990, Sunday
I received my sixth birthday card yesterday. It was from Jackie and Joe. It came with a care package of candy. I received birthday cards from Rita, Randy, Dad, and two from Ann Marie. One of the cards from Ann Marie came with a gift. It was very nice to get the cards.
This weekend I broke a promise by not showing up to meet Catherine to participate in World Aids Day activities at market. Today’s sermon by Reverend Riley spoke to that failure. She said we should speak wisely, sparingly, meaningfully, and lovingly. I did not speak meaningfully when I broke my promise….
I’m not sure when I wrote this but it sounds like the routine that I would have had in place by the beginning of 1991
A Day in the Life of a PCV in Portsmouth
I wake up around sunrise with no alarm clock needed, say my prayers, and exercise before I take my shower. After a bowl of cereal, and a cup of Milo, and a banana I clean up to make sure there is nothing to attract roaches, ants, or mice. Then I head off to school with my umbrella and bottle of boiled water.
I arrive at school usually before most of the teachers even though they have to be there earlier than I do. None of my duties start until twenty minutes after the ringing of the first bell.
I motivate myself into the classroom of approximately thirty students who think I arrive too soon. After four periods of classes and maybe one free period I buy peanuts or popcorn from the vendors that appear every day during break. Then there are three more periods before I head home for lunch.
After stopping at the grocery store and posting a letter I head back to school to work with students who need extra help.
At 4:00 pm I head back to home to read, do my housework, and write. After dinner I listen to the Voice of America’s broadcast to the Caribbean and Now Music USA. Then I get ready for bed and reflect on another day’s blessings.