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a one-page summary of Peace Corps in the Eastern Caribbean
one of the amazing stamps from the Commonwealth of Dominica showing a jing ping band
I guess this is the agenda that I typed up for our swearing-in ceremony.
Coconut Beach, Dominica. January 1991
David Matheny and friend in front of sugar mill.
Hawksbill Resort Antigua David and I continue to trespass on private property for privileged people
David Matheny’s house Christian Hill Village December 1990 I took a lot of pictures in Antigua, probably because I was not certain if I would get a chance to be there again.
Maryann, her dad, Sue Buehl, her sister, and Bill Gaynor Bay Street, Portsmouth.
Me. English Harbour, Antigua. December 26, 1990.
English Harbour Antigua December 26, 1990