
March 22, 1991

Portsmouth Secondary School (PSS) Sports Day at Benjamin Park.

March 20, 1991

20 March 1991

At the last volunteer meeting (March 9) Judy Scholzen chaired the meeting. She had come back from the U.S. just a few days earlier and resumed her role as lead volunteer. She came through Portsmouth on Sunday (March 17) with Sue Fitch on the way back from dropping someone off at Melville Hall airport.

This morning I woke up after an emission and took a shower to prepare for morning devotion at the Methodist Church. I left the house at 6 AM, the time the service is supposed to start but I was there before it began. Murphy arrived after it started. He noticed a book in my hand. It was the book Teaching to Change Lives. Jane had sent it to me in her last package. It was primarily geared to teachers of Sunday School or Bible Study but it was relevant to teaching Math. It reinforced many of the elements of effective instruction.

I gave the book to Murphy as we left. He gave me a ride right to my steps.

I listened to the news and had a cup of Milo. With the war over the news was shorter and had some stories not related to Iraq. I left for school after brushing my teeth, washing the dishes, and reading some of the Billboard Jane sent me.

School was not about educating today. I taught form 1JC despite their resistance. We practiced finding the third angle in a triangle with two angles measured.

After that I gave my marks to the teachers and read some more from the book Peoples of the Earth. I also thought about third term.

Close to breaktime I went to the store at the bottom of the road. I bought a Milo bar and went to visit Brad. He was still recovering from his sinus problems. 

I went back to the staff room. Mr. James, Mrs. Hyacinth, and Mrs. Gordon were speaking about the male teachers sexual exploitation of the students. It was quite revealing. I left sometime near 1:00 PM.

I went home to eat macaroni and cheese, read my Bible, and wash the floor in my bedroom. I didn’t get any mail at the Portsmouth post office. Brad got three pieces of mail. As of 5:50 he hasn’t picked them up.


March 19, 2021

19 March

I went to Roseau on March 8 for our Bible study meeting. It was the first time I had seen any volunteers since I wrote my letter (although I did talk to Catherine and the Petersens a couple of days earlier). Yolanda wrote me a congratulations note on my Newsweek letter. She was surprised to hear that it became controversial.

I got some good news that day. My dad sold my car. Adam wrote to say he might come down.

I also bought a money order at the Royal Bank of Canada. I had to go to the Ministry building to fill out a form because I was converting more than EC $100. It was for a US $40 check to the Dickinson Fund. I haven’t sent it yet because I may be elected lead volunteer.

We had a volunteer meeting March 9. Maryann explained my situation to the volunteers. She advised them not to repeat my mistake.

Maryann asked me if I would accept the lead volunteer nomination. I said yes with the understanding that I would have to get a phone. The election ends March 25.

Sunday I got a ride from Mahaut to Portsmouth with a TM teacher. I took her address and phone number. I thought Catherine or Bill might be interested. 

Students were being taken out of class to qualify and prepare for the sports day. It made for a nice easy week especially since we had a workshop on Wednesday. 

Brad went to see the doctor Friday. He has problems with his sinuses and can’t work this week. He also bought a TV while he was in Roseau. 

Saturday (March 16) I bought celery. It was the first chance I had to buy it here. Pat Klinger showed me some she bought once before. A lady asked me if I wanted to buy some as I was walking up to Brad’s place.

Micki and Jay came for a visit in the afternoon. They rented a car. We went for a ride on the Indian River. Tony came along, too. We went with Randolph. He was the guide he came up to ask around New Year’s. We got him down to $5 per person. He gave us a short uninteresting ride.


March 16, 1991

Northeast Dominica. I have no idea what village this might be near; it could be close to the village where I would be living the following year.

March 16, 1991

Inside the Indian River. According to Lennox Honychurch, early European sea captains who visited the bay for wood and fresh water knew it as ‘the river of the Indians’ and often rowed up to the Carib settlement to offer greetings to the chief.

March 16, 1991

Banana barges at the mouth of the Indian River. March 16, 1991 The Indian River has its source in the foothills of Morne Diablotin, and before entering the sea it meanders for about a mile through low-lying swamp-land just south of Portsmouth.

March 14, 1991

One of the cassettes that my sister Ann Marie sent to me after I started my Peace Corps service in Dominica. I listened to and enjoyed this album a lot while I lived in Dominica. There is one really bad recording on it, the title song. And the guest rapping on the reprise of New Power Generation is pretty bad. It’s probably a good thing that I did not have access to the movie, which was even worse than Under the Cherry Moon.


March 16, 1991

Northeast Dominica on March 16, 1991

March 9, 1991

DOMINICA Indian River Portsmouth — postcard photo

March 8, 1991

undated picture with no description. I am guessing this is Fort Shirley at the Cabrits. Let me know if you can confirm.