July 13, 1991

8 September
During the second week of training model school began (6 August). I also left the hotel. I stayed with ANDY and JENNY MONTGOMERY. Staying with them had its benefits. On Thursday (8 Aug) Jim, ANDY, JENNY, Christophe, and I went to Philipe’s house for dinner. We had a quiche-like omelet pie. We also had banana desserts due to the abundance of bananas that could not be put on the recently on-fire Geest boat.
On Friday I helped make salad and dessert for the upcoming parties. Shortly after Christophe left Andy’s and Jenny’s I left to meet Diane at Gros Islet. I enjoyed dancing with her. We took a taxi back to Vigie and Castries.
Saturday (10) was the Big Beach Party. I planned to start staying at Jack’s that night. That was impossible because Jack was staying at Andy’s and Jenny’s after the EC 56 party. This was the one-year anniversary of the swearing in of EC 56 volunteers. Some EC 55 people & one EC 57 PCV attended.
The ambassador for the East Caribbean Phillip Hughes speaks to the EC57 trainees. More info on the ambassador is at this site: www.presidency.ucsb.edu My notebook indicates that there was also a Q&A session with the trainees but maybe I deleted it. I doubt many people can get through this video, but it does show how people talked about developing countries and what US foreign policy was like in the early 90s. In less than a day google put this you tube video pretty high in the searches for Phillip Hughes.