September 2, 1990

1 September
I just finished getting ready for an evening of Venezuelan music at the RBD theatre. Brad and I were there last night but had to leave when we got too tired.
The music last night was part of “Halleluyah ’90,” a gospel-Caribbean night of music. The people and performers were very excited about praising the Lord in this way although most were too anxious for the main performer Lester Lewis. Some people booed the warm-ups and shouted for him. Contrary to the newspaper advertisement, Felix was not in the show.
Brad and I were the only two white people in the audience and I felt uncomfortable when race issues were brought up. Lester put some issues into contexts similar to those of Sharpton or Farrahkan.
We returned home at eleven, two hours after our bed time, to get a good start on market day. I bought oranges, bananas, and had fish cakes and regular cake for my breakfast. I also made some great limeade.
Aug 30
I returned from Roseau today after two days of meeting with other volunteers, working on the computer, and buying pancake syrup. I even had pancakes this morning at Jay’s and Micki’s.
They will be moving into a new apartment on Saturday. I enjoyed staying with them. Jay and I get into some long, “intellectual” conversations.
Jay is planning on going to business school after Peace Corps just like I am planning to study law. He has been accepted at Northwestern, a top business school. [redacted for privacy concerns].
He and Micki also revealed to me that they thought they were pregnant last week. Micki even went to Planned Parenthood for a test. [redacted for privacy concerns] Pregnancy will get them separated from Peace Corps. I hope it doesn’t happen during these two years.
Aug 27
Today Brad and I met our principal. I was in the middle of preparing breadfruit for lunch and Brad was beginning to eat when a girl at the door told us to call the secretary. We walked to the school since we didn’t think it much farther than the pay phone we would have to use.
We received tentative schedules although they were very likely to change with one of the teachers deciding in recent days to go to Cuba to study. Mr. James certainly has his work cut out for him in organizing the school. Teaching here is challenging but an administrator has it worse.
We were able to meet Mr. James since the hurricane went north and caused nothing but very little light rain on Dominica. I was also joyful to hear it missed Antigua. The nervousness over Gustave made me lose some sleep. I caught up on some by taking a nap.
I made lime juice for the first time today. It wasn’t too bad.
Aug 26
Today Brad and I attended the Methodist church service. Because we stood out, we again we’re asked to introduce ourselves. This is the third church where I’ve had to introduce myself. When the minister learned we were Peace Corps workers, he used us as an example of today’s sermon from Matthew 5:13-16, lights without bowls. It was slightly embarrassing but satisfying. One of my purposes, actually my purpose in life, is to serve God. I don’t feel that I am making a great sacrifice but it is a sacrifice which I would like seen as an example of service to God.
Before the end of the service it was announced that there would be a hurricane watch. We began preparing by calling Maryann and securing sufficient supplies. I made my first call to the states to Ann Marie to alert her and give her the Dominica Peace Corps office number. It was extremely difficult getting through with a card and I ended up calling collect.
Aug 25
Today we went to market. It was the first time to go there as big time buyers. I was so excited I had to go home to get a plastic bag for everything I wanted to buy. I passed on some oranges thinking that they would be there when I returned. Brad was wrong to support that poor thought.
I bought cucumbers, limes, two varieties of bananas, potatoes, and a breadfruit. I cut up half of a cucumber to eat with my hot dog and cheese balls for lunch. I also had a fish cake at the market and cake on the way back.
Later in the day, Brad and I finished exploring the Cabrits by walking to the top of the East Cabrit. We saw just as much land on the east as there is water on the west Cabrit. The trail wasn’t well maintained but the view was worth the hike.
The hike was sweat-inducing but that was no problem. Rosemary began doing our wash Friday and will on Tuesdays and Fridays from now on.