November 18, 1990

15 November
Yesterday no one showed up for Maths help. This was okay because it allowed me to correct papers and listen to Mr. James. He was telling me about all types of people. I didn’t really find his talk too interesting, but I listened as he seemed interested in sharing the information.
I attended Bible Study, too. The facilitator was not too sharp. She didn’t really have the skills to get the point across. However, I think the Lord blessed us and helped us to understand.
This morning I continued praying in the lotus position. I started a few days ago because it sounded as if kneeling was starting to take a toll on my knees. The lotus is not much easier, but it isn’t damaging either.
After a nap and a visit from Brad I swept and mopped the floors in my room and the kitchen. Last week I didn’t but that was partly due to my night out to celebrate.
13 November
I went to church service Sunday night. Reverend Riley gave a very short service. Murphy gave me a ride home.
Yesterday I received a letter from David Matheny. He agreed to let me stay with him after ETR, but he also said he was going to Jamaica after ETR. I rushed off a letter to him to see if there was any chance for me to stay in Antigua. I could just bum around, stay with other volunteers, or run up my charge card with hotel bills. I may cut my stay back to December 24, but if I can stay with him a few days I may stay as long as I originally planned, until December 27.
I mailed that letter today after lunch and then went back to school for my afternoon maths class. Before class I called J&R Music. Maryann brought a letter from Roseau from my father. It contained my Universal and Discover Card statements. There was a credit on Discover and Dad said I didn’t have to send him anything for the AT&T bill. So I though I would [call] J&R to make the order. It took two calls because I forgot to write down the catalog number for Rubiyat. I had them sent to Ann Marie. I’ve already told her to forward them here when they arrive at her house. I ordered “Journeyman” for Brad.
About ten students showed up for maths help. I think we cleared up most of the questions about sets. We stopped by 3:30. Caren, at the end of the class, said she dreamed about me Monday night. I laughed and didn’t pursue it any further.
Before I went to the staff room to finish typing the test, I noticed a large number of students running around the school. They were serving detention and the teacher gets to punish them in various ways.
I got home to iron, make flavor-aid, and “open the clothes” since Rosemary was too busy. I am happy to have her wash my clothes but sometimes its a burden, too.
11 November
No one showed up Wednesday afternoon for help. I didn’t mention it and I was happy because Brad and I needed to put in our orders at the Purple Turtle.
We stopped for mail. Ann Marie sent me a birthday card and letter. She told me Ann had a lump in her breast. I haven’t heard about it from Dad yet. Denise Sandman also wrote to say she wouldn’t be on Montserrat when I wanted to visit, but she gave a name of the other PCV on the island.
On Thursday after I withdrew a large amount from the bank I bought Ann Marie a t-shirt and sent it off as her Christmas present. I also bought my second gas cylinder.
Brad and I went to the Purple Turtle for dinner. I had lobster and he had chicken. It was a little cold for swimming. At least I thought it was. It was very relaxing and nice to have someone else cook for me a delicious and different meal.
On Friday I went to town and got the package from Ann Marie and one from Jane. Jay picked them up for me.
I did some shopping for the party at Micki and Jay’s. I also bought my father a map of the Caribbean so he knows where I am and where I go.
I arrived late for a prayer meeting because I waited to get a ride with Judy’s friends who at the last minute could not attend with us. We arrived, prayed, and talked, and then the fun began.
There was cake and pie and all types of treats. No one danced and fell, but John zapped their fan. We played Hearts with six people, too. It was a birthday party for Sue, Brad, Yolanda, and me.
I stayed that night and got a recipe for cookies. Jay made pancakes in the morning, but they weren’t too great. It was nice of him.
We had our Peace Corps meeting on Saturday morning. Afterwards Jay and I went to the Ms. Pac-Man machine. Some children let me go ahead of them. I played twice and impressed them. I couldn’t get past the fifth board due in part to the fact you don’t get an extra guy at 10,000. One of the kids said you needed 35, 000.
I finished my shopping by getting a cookie sheet and some bananas and cucumbers at market. I also stopped to see some of the special olympics.
I finished up Serious Ting business and had lunch. When I called J&R no one could help me order records. So I will try again next week.
At church this morning Alan the former PCV who I met last week was attending since he was in the area. He served in 1984. Brad was not in church.
I went to see Brad to find out what was up, get some cookies, and to get the money he owed me from laundry. He had a headache and was tired so I didn’t stay too long.
I came home and washed some of the new clothes Ann Marie sent.
7 November
On Monday morning I washed some clothes by hand since some were dirty, needed washing, and hadn’t been picked up by Rosemary.
After I washed and ate, I went to see if Brad made it home. He lucked out on Sunday and caught a transport direct to Portsmouth. We talked for a while. I bought a box of Macaroni & Cheese from him. He bought a bulk supply.
Although it was a national day of service I just relaxed and got a few things done. Brad came to play 500 rummy later in the afternoon. He won. Rosemary’s kids came for clothes and money.
Frances also stopped by. She was upset and told us her father died. She was trying to make arrangements to go back to Scotland. I hope she doesn’t stay there.
On my birthday I didn’t do much or think about it. I had pancakes for breakfast, went to market, taught, and had my afternoon help session. I did call Micki just to talk and she wished me “Happy Birthday.” That night the lights went out early so I went to bed really early, around 6. I think it took me two hours to fall asleep with all the noise and heat.
I slept very long and got up at 5:30. I finished off the pancake batter and went to school. Frances was not there today. Classes went pretty well but the children were alive with noise. I gave my first multiple choice test but haven’t yet checked the damages.
For lunch I had a PB&J sandwich.