October 24, 1990

October 24
Yesterday I had my help sessions in Math after school. It was a small group but it went well. Caren was not there.
She showed up at my door later that night. She said she slept during the session and other subjects to study and practice for the Friday night plays at my church. This student also told me that another student, Julietta Carbon, liked me and wanted to talk to me. I promised I would say something to her. I don’t know what all this means.
I didn’t really have a chance to talk to Julietta today but she may be at the help session this afternoon.
This morning I tried to call Prof. Guerriero to see if he received my letter asking for a recommendation. No one answered the phone number I called so I’ll try tomorrow at a different time.
Mr. James showed me how to run the stencil duplicator today. It made me late for class but at least I had the test run off. Believe it or not, the students finished the test before the end of the period.
Although some of the form II students were not in class, I tried to have a lesson anyway. All we did was check homework. We had fraction races, too.
22 October
During Thursday night I developed diarrhea. Two out of the many times I ran to the bathroom to read US News and World Report, I didn’t make it in time to [T M I]. Since one of those times was in the morning before school, I decided not to go. When Brad brang his clothes, I gave him some papers and asked him to let Mr. James know I could not make it.
I stayed home to rest but ran some errands at the beginning of the day and cleaned the apartment some more before visitors came. Unfortunately many students came by to see how I was feeling. Sometimes they woke me from rest.
Jay, Catherine, and Micki arrived in the rain. Jay gave me some Kay-o-pectate tablets which helped stop the flow of liquid [email for the gross language]. The lights went out and we ate. I had crackers. They had macaroni.
On Saturday we went to market before we went to the beach. I didn’t get much at market because it was late. The water from the tap was darker because of the rain which made drinking supplies tight.
To avoid the mud Catherine and I decided to walk the highway once we found it and made it to Coconut Beach after the rest. I tried to swim but was horribly out of shape. I survived.
We had a nice relaxing day even though it wasn’t very sunny. After showering we walked to Brad’s and came back for dinner. We popped corn for the movies which changed at the last minute and ended up in bed not much later. We blew up a condom first.
Micki left Sunday morning for the Carib territory creole festivities. Jay and Catherine came to church with me and we found a ride back to Roseau for them.
Brad, Jay, and I played cards, relaxed, and listened to music. Catherine tried to get some work done. We walked to church to meet their ride and had a nice talk.
Today I am still catching up from the weekend. There are still some dishes left and wash soaking and my refrigerator and wallet are near empty. I had fun and really enjoyed their company.
18 October
Yesterday I didn’t have my after-school study session because Maryann and Wanda visited to check my living quarters and see how I was doing medically. Wanda advised me to get a full-time contact person and find out who in the area had a ham radio.
Just after I told her I was lucky enough not to have been sick since I came to Dominica, I developed a fever and headache.
Brad came over, as it was getting worse, because he was out of water again. He showered and read letters he received and I picked up at the post office.
We both got letters from Portsmouth and from Maryann. She brought letters from Roseau and the package Micki and Jay picked up for me. Ann Marie sent me the Prince tape, a newspaper, Rolling Stone, US News, and Christmas decorations and packing materials.
Between the package and Brad’s visit I missed the Methodist Bible Study, led this week by Murphy Wallace.
Today I came home from work sick, wrote a letter of sympathy for Uncle Dick, and had to stop writing in this journal because the lights went out for the second time tonight.
16 October
On Sunday I read Daniel 6:10-28 in church. I was happy that I read the word of the Lord clearly. Brad attended church to my surprise. I think he has decided the Methodist church is good enough for him even though he is a Nazarine. We also attended evening service, bought tickets for the church harvest, and got a ride home from Murphy Wallace.
Brad called Maryann from Murphy’s on Saturday but on Sunday broke in to the school and called from there. Nothing has come of the incident since it happened.
Yesterday I rewrote my personal statement for Harvard with the advice that Jay gave me. I think it is much more improved but still needs some fine tuning. I hope to finish completing the application the next time I am in Roseau.
Today I had a wonderful grilled cheese sandwich. The cheese from Mini Cash helped it alot.