
November 1991

My father visited me after I was in Peace Corps for 16 months. I took him on a tour of the Commonwealth of Dominica on November 12. I recorded our stops at three locations. You can see him in this video. He was 70 years old at the time. We traveled up the Indian River the morning of November 13.

November 1991

Paul and Linda Rogers on my porch in Portsmouth November 1991

November 7, 1991

7 November

As usual I didn’t do anything too special on my birthday. It was a difficult day because at first there was no water; then there was dirty water. It was raining hard; I didn’t have my umbrella. I had pancakes left over from Sunday and poured some water over my body before I went to school. My hair looked wet the whole day. The students were very hyperactive coming off a long string of no work. I lost my temper at various points. My big treat came at break when I ate cake and a soft drink.

After I went to post mail I remembered I had Frances’s slip for her pay check. I went over to her house and decided to watch one of the videotapes I brought back from the states. She went to pick up mail while I watched “The Fresh Prince”; I got a letter from Diane, a real nice treat. Other than that it was a pretty ordinary day.


November 2, 1991

2 November

I went for a bike ride today after I worked on my Creole poem for Serious Ting. I met Bill at the Baptist Church corner. I told him how I was going to the Cabrits hoping to catch a glimpse of Father Aristide, who was visiting Dominica. It didn’t [look] like he was going to be there when I arrived. No one else was there except for some man sleeping behind the gates to the Cruise Ship Building. I took some sun and some pictures. It was so refreshing to be there among the ruins.

Next I rode north towards Cottage. I saw a couple of students along the way. I turned around after riding 15 minutes. On the way back a teenager saw me, grabbed my shirt, and said, “Give me your money.” I heard a rip. I turned around to look at him as I kept riding slowly. He looked strange. His eyes had a weird gloss that made me think he was high. I didn’t know what to do; I kept on going. I wasn’t sure if my shirt ripped until I put it back on later that night.

I felt really uncomfortable running in that area. I’m glad I’m not living in that part of the island. I decided to report it to Maryann. I think I might also mention it to Mr. James. Drugs are more prevalent than I used to think according to the conversation some of the younger teachers had the other day. It’s making this beautiful island a scary place to live.


November 1, 1991

1 November

Caren hasn’t come by for a long time. The last time she came was a Friday; I used going to the bank as an excuse to end her visit early. She roamed about the house freely. I decided this would be the last time. I will go outside to talk with her from now on.

There will probably not be another time because I am moving far away to Calabishie. Ingrid asked me if I wanted to live with her. I jumped on the offer. 

Mrs. Garaway’s changing of the rules precipitated this. Last week she decided she would charge $5 whenever I used one of the other rooms. Since I have a key to another room and the couch I could still stay here and have guests without her knowing it. But that create[s] tension because I would feel dishonest hiding people and worrying about whether she knows.

The timing is good. Dad and Linda will be able to stay with me. I’ll be finished with applications soon so I won’t have to go to Roseau so often.


October 1991

Peace Corps Quarterly Report


Trafalgar Falls Dominica Postcard

October 22, 1991

22 October

Today I got a letter from Jay Petersen. I was surprised because Elvirus gave it to me at school. Yesterday Frances said she went to the post office and there was no mail. I think they just checked for her. She got a Cable & Wireless phone bill. They might have just put that in the box this morning. You never know with Frances. She might have even forgotten to go or ask.

I also got a letter from Jane Aldridge. She is very good about writing. I enjoy her friendship.

Today I did a lot at the apartment. Mrs. Garaway told me that Brewster was going to come to fix my electric cooker between 2:00 and 3:00. I decided to wait and not go back to school. He never came.

I napped in between reading Bible chapters, studied Kwéyol, read Teaching with TEACH, worked on my NYU application, washed my batik shirt, made lime squash, and wrote to Chris Sharples.


September 24, 1991

Volunteers at the farewell party for Yolanda; a visit to Mary and Peter’s house; a time lapse sunset and my bathroom in Portsmouth.
Dominica Eastern Caribbean

September 26, 1991

First page of Peace Corps Volunteers that came to the Eastern Caribbean in 1991