Author: neosoul
January 30, 1992
After my friend sent me a videotape with some U.S. television on it, I recorded myself and my neighborhood on that tape to send back so he could see what it was like to be a Peace Corps Volunteer living in Calibishie, Commonwealth of Dominica.
The picture above is from a youtube video someone took after Hurricane Maria. You can see Ingrid’s house, the kitchen, and the bakery in the picture.
January 28, 1992
28 January
Ingy, Jemmy, and Glen are here at the house. Ingy put in my Michael & Janet Jackson tape. He was commenting on how Michael sounds like a makwomé (homosexual).
One of the kids smells. I thought that the cat pooped in the house; Ingrid locked it in the house as she rushed back to work. I can’t find any cat feces and I didn’t smell anything until the kids came over.
I read another chapter of Life with God. It was on Bible study. I do or have done most of what is in there.
Coming home from school on the bus today Patsy was teasing Chris about joking me. They are two St. John’s Junior Secondary Program students who ride home with me at 2:30. Sometimes I realize that they are talking about me, but I pay no attention to what they say. One of the girls pointed this out to them today.
I stopped by Cyrille’s store today. He owns the hardware store that was below my apartment. They changed the layout so that everything is behind the counter. His wife said there was too much self-service. I teach his son in 5th form general.
January 18, 1992
18 January
I’m living in Calibishie now. It is much more relaxing than living in Portsmouth. Today I woke up at 6:30, which is one hour later than I usually wake up for school.
After praying and exercising I showered in cold water. I stayed in the shower only long enough to wash my face, hair, and neck.
I wanted to go to market in Portsmouth so I waited on the porch from 7:30 until 8:00 o’clock AM; no buses came by. After that I had one of Ma Tazzi’s hot breads. I ate all of it except a little of the last pieces without anything. I put some jam and cream cheese on the remaining bread.
I tried changing my room around this morning to prevent the bat dung from falling on my bed. There wasn’t enough room for me to change the bed around by myself. I put some paper to cover the space where the dung falls through.
I played UNO with Glen and Shane this morning. I won. It was difficult to play with them because they could see my cards reflecting on my glasses.
Ma Tazzi gave me a cake this morning. She, of course, refused money. I’m finding it easier to talk with her now.
November 1991

December 29, 1991
As you can see above, I did not like writing these quarterly reports or providing details; something that I eventually needed to develop.

December 1991

Dec 1991
January 12, 1992
12 Jan 1992
Before I dismember my calendar I’m going to record the notes in this journal in case there are some things on the calendar that do not appear in the journal.
12 October 1990 Bible study in Roseau
17 October Wanda visited
29/10 Independence Day activities begin
2 November Staff party at PSS
8/11 Brad & I celebrate birthdays at Purple Turtle
14 December Staff party at PSS
7 January 1991 Second term started
16/1 Wrote to Newsweek about Bush & war
2 February Went to Darkwood Beach, Antigua
27 Feb Maryann told me I shouldn’t have done it
2 March Tried to help Fabian with his computer
30 Mar Made pierogis for Easter dinner
2 April Traveled to Montserrat
19 Apr Watched “My Blue Heaven” & “Presumed Innocent”
6 December Went to Barbuda
December 23, 1991

Old Town Road

Cliffdweller’s Resort or what’s left of it after the hurricane

Maybe St. George’s

Nevis, December 1991
December 19, 1991

Despite its French name, Basseterre, the capital of St. Kitts is unmistakably British.

Basseterre, St. Kitts
Dec 1991
December 22, 1991

NEVIS Dec 91

Nevis Dec 1991