St. Lucia

August 3, 1990

Today a lot of people were feeling ill. Some may have been affected by the shot. Others may have been affected by the tap water they drank the last two weeks. Even the training staff was feeling ill maybe due to a meal.

For my last dinner with the Clauzels David and I were served tuna, kingfish, green beans with carrots, and peas with rice. We had jello and banana cake for dessert. 

The St. Vincent and Grenada volunteers training in St. Lucia perform in the Creole concert. July 1990

We’ve been fed well here in St. Lucia and I’ve felt well. I’ve eaten almost everything I’ve been served except for the lunches. The only lunch I’ve eaten are the Johnny-Cakes with ham, parts of the J-Cakes with cheese, and a couple of cold fish cakes. I’ve thrown the sandwiches away at lunchtime.

Even though I’ve been drinking the tap water at the school where our training was held, I’ve not had diarrhea or any illness. I felt feverish after the typhoid shot but otherwise have been healthy. I’ve even been perky the last couple of days.

August 3

St. Lucia

August 2, 1990

Yesterday was the last small group discussion of phase 3. We have been having these discussions to review our inventories of community analysis, personal objectives and other topics. The whole purpose is to assess our own commitment to the Peace Corps. So far no one has dropped out and I for one have no plans to drop out.

In a few weeks I should be sending out a postcard to Harvard Law School to get information. I plan on going to law school, and I hope it’s Harvard, when I finish my two years in the Peace Corps. In some ways that is helping me to make it through because I do not want to have an early termination on my record and I want the full readjustment allowance.

Yesterday I spent the most money ever in St. Lucia. I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken with Don and Sue for lunch and joined a large group of volunteers at Key Largo Pizzeria in Rodney Bay. The prices were 8.75 for KFC and $17 for a pizza. Most of us were sore from our typhoid shot. Denise and Lee, two current volunteers, were also there as well.

written on Aug 3 

St. Lucia

August 1, 1990

All our flights have been taken care of by the Peace Corps training staff, but all of our flights to and from Dominica have been plagued with troubles.

First in Antigua after a confusing customs procedure and a long check-in at the LIAT counter, we arrived at Melville while all the Dominica volunteers were at Canefield waiting for us.

The second problem came in our plans to leave for St. Lucia training. We were first scheduled to leave 8am on Sunday but then the flight was switched from Canefield to a later flight at Melville. Because two volunteers were on stand-by we all got bumped and stayed at the Floral Gardens Guest House near Marigot.

The most recent problem has been trying to leave St. Lucia. We were scheduled to leave for Canefield on Saturday in two groups – a morning group and an afternoon, my group. Then we had to have 4 leave Friday and the rest on Sunday. I was going to leave Sunday until I found out today that now, I will be leaving Saturday with a couple others. I doubt that this will be the last change.

August 1

St. Lucia

July 31, 1990

September is the month we start teaching. Today we heard about our pay. We get a living allowance of $1350 EC per month. This includes $24 US for travel and leave. We will get an amount equal to this to settle in on our island of assignment.

We also have been getting walking-around allowances of $10 EC a day. We received $100.00 in Dominica and $130 for St. Lucia. From what I hear the homestays have been getting $50 a day to take care of us. Madeline was talking about how she hasn’t gotten the rest yet.

In our handbook they have suggested percents for us in our budget. One thing I plan to do is save 10% in a savings account. We were told today that our pay would be placed in a checking account. Some volunteers said the checking did not earn interest so I plan on having a savings account for what I am not using.

We also get $200 per month as a readjustment allowance when we return to the states. Half of that I’ve asked to be placed in savings bonds.

July 31

St. Lucia

July 30, 1990

It was hot and sweaty making it very difficult for me to sleep with all the sea water. I did get to brush my teeth before bed and wash a little bit. Because it was so hot, Madeline thought it was a sign of an earthquake or hurricane coming.

There have been two earthquakes since I came to the Caribbean. One was on July 12 while we were in a taxi coming from Melville Airport to Roseau. None of us felt it. The other was here on St. Lucia last week. It was in the middle of the night and although something woke me up, I am not sure it was the earthquake. I thought I felt the bed shake that night but again was not conscious enough to be certain.

The earthquakes may be related to St. Lucia’s volcanic activity which has increased recently and enough to change its status. Both St. Lucia and Dominica have volcanic activity and sulphur lakes but Dominica’s volcano is dormant, I think. This does not mean it is dead.

Either way I think the biggest concern is hurricanes. This concern will last until September.

July 30

St. Lucia

July 29, 1990

I did not see any accidents today but did hear that yesterday’s accidents resulted in two deaths. Today was Sunday and it was a much quieter day.

To start the day Dave, Hugo, and I went to church. We met Catherine and Betty when we arrived at 7:30 mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. The mass was much more typical of the mass at St. Hedwig’s [my church in Kingston, PA where I grew up] with the organ music and old white priest giving a mass shorter than the one in Grand Bay. Near the end of the mass David pointed out that there was a bat underneath my kneeler -right next to my foot. He pointed out later that there was a worm coming out of its head.

After church we ate breakfast, napped until noon, had lunch, and went to Vigie Beach. Catherine went along and while were there we saw Bill Gaynor, Carole, Brad, and Em.

When we arrived home we snacked, watched wrestling and Madeline getting excited over it. The water went off again today and returned barely near bed time.

July 29

St. Lucia

July 28, 1990

David Matheny, Antigua volunteer, and Madeline Clauzzel, our homestay, in St. Lucia. July 1990

Celebrations and relaxation occurred this weekend in the form of the “jump-up” and a picnic at the beach.

Last night David and I took a transport to a Texaco station to meet Mikki, Jay, and their homestay near where they lived. We then got another transport to Gros Islet’s “jump-up,” a party with music from huge stereos in the street and people selling food and drink. There were also some restaurant/bars that had their own music and enclosed dance floors. I impressed a few people with my dancing which was nothing too outstanding. I suppose I just exceeded their expectations.

The next day we left after 11AM for the Pigeon Point Beach above Gros Islet. The water was warm, clear, and beautiful. Madeline brought breadfruit salad which I had a small hand in preparing. I diced it and peeled some skin. The peeling was difficult for me with the knife.

Almost everyone was there. Bill Gaynor was not and David Matheny chose to explore the island. On the way back we saw two accidents on the highway.

July 28

St. Lucia

July 27, 1990

Today in training we were warned about how rumors could bring us a separation if the rumors are about Peace Corps Volunteers using drugs. Richard Pyle explained this during his overview of policy in the Eastern Caribbean.

In addition to that and the creole lesson, we heard about the experience of a deaf Peace Corps volunteer, planning lessons in the EC, and we had to sing during our report on our language instruction. We sang the National Anthem of Dominica and a little ditty about how sweet Domnik is. 

Bill, Jay, Micki, Paul, Felix Henderson, Don, Brad, Yolanda, Sue, and Catherine training in St. Lucia. July 1990

In the middle of all these activities Jay and I walked around town looking at all the stores. We went to an art gallery with all types of paintings about St. Lucia by St. Lucians. I bought two of the most expensive postcards ($1.50 EC).

Beside this nice, clean, organized gallery there are many other stores in St. Lucia. The supermarkets are well organized and products seem plentiful everywhere. 

To celebrate the end of the week’s sessions a third of the PCVs went to the Pink Elephant for drinks. Most were Dominican. 

July 27

Dominica St. Lucia

July 26, 1990

Television is relatively new to the masses down here. More and more houses in the Caribbean have their own television in color with cable. They pay about $40 EC (approximately $16 US). However the price includes a movie channel like HBO or Showtime. Wrestling and Soap Operas are the most popular presentations. 

“The Young and the Restless” and the CBS soaps that get shown are watched at the snackette near the Shillingford house in Grand Bay by everyone, young and old, male and female, in the nearby neighborhood. Wrestling gets watched by males and females. Mrs. Leathum was watching one night while we were at the house and seemed genuinely interested as if it were real. Everyone else there, Brad, Jay, and Mikki, laughed and I confessed that I was a fan. Mr. Shillingford also watched it when I was at his house and asked me about my favorite wrestlers. Mrs. Leathum said they’ve put on wrestling shows in Roseau. I don’t know who came. Jay told Mr. Leathum that it was fake when he asked Jay. Pat Klinger, a Dominican PCV, said they believe it is real because it is on TV.

Catherine must have joined me at the beach. Pigeon Point is in the background.

Not about about my day in St. Lucia, but I did write at the top of the page: went to Vigie Beach.

Relaxing after a hard day of training on Vigie beach near Couples hotel in St. Lucia. July 1990

written on July 26

St. Lucia

July 25, 1990

My abilities at ironing must have improved since my homestay did not make me take them off so she could iron them. The rain from tropical storm Arthur kept the chickens quiet so I was able to sleep until 5:30 after a night of having trouble falling asleep due to anal itching. They have predicted three hurricanes this season. I hope Arthur is a failed one of the three.

After two bananas, toast, and guava juice we went off to a day of discussions not lectures on education in the E.C. After a lunch of an apple and guava juice (I threw away my sandwiches again), we learned some dirty  words in patois. We also learned some dances and about common areas of stress. We were also treated to creole poetry and PSAs created by Felix

Don and Yolanda in the classroom for stage two training. July 1990

We arrived home for a casserole dinner and “Days of Our Lives” which Mary Frann of “Newhart” was a character. Like many people, Mrs. Clauzel wondered why she watched soaps even though it seemed stupid sometimes.

July 25